Sunday, July 19, 2009

tasty tidbits

usually my Sunday is filled with grocery shopping, house cleaning, and other sorts of wild and crazy fun, but today I got side tracked and didn't quite make it to the store. it's my belief that Sunday's should always be filled with delicious home cooked meals, simply because I figure you're off of work, hanging around the house with plenty of time to come up with something might as well do it.

I decided I wanted a grilled cheese tonight, but the average cheese and bread combo wasn't doing it for me so I decided to get creative. below you will find the recipe for the "adult" grilled cheese I made this evening. some of it sounds weird but trust me folks it's delicious.

you will need:

*2 slices of bread of any sort ( I went with white because it's all I had but I imagine that sourdough would be tasty)
*2 thick slices of cheddar cheese
*white onion
*1 jalapeno
*dijon mustard
*parmesan cheese

slice and saute the onion and jalapeno together. butter one side of each bread slice and then dip that side in parmesan cheese (bear with me folks this actually works). spread dijon mustard on the inside of one bread slice and pile on the rest of the ingredients (cheese, onion, jalapeno). 

grill and eat!

wish I had a picture because it turns out looking fabulous. obviously you can change up the ingredients as you see fit. as it turns out there are tons of ways to make a great grilled cheese. ENJOY!

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