Sunday, June 7, 2009

Goodbye sandy beaches

So after an amazing beach vacay I have been thrown (dragged, kicking and screaming would be more accurate) back into reality... and it bites.  As I ready myself for another vacationless week, I thought I would share one or two particularly amusing photos from the trip.

Best way to start out "Beach Vacay 2009"? Sneak Playgirl Mags Circa 2000 in both the mom's beds before they arrived obviously

These would be the "hot bod" shirts that Brennan insisted we need. Verdict? Totally needed them. They were a complete hit!

To my loyal readers (ahem, Brita) I promise that there are many posts to come. I plan on being uber diligent and to fill your lives with fashion, food, and the mostly randomness that is my life.

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