Monday, January 18, 2010

DIY madness

it's diy week here on haute potato. why? because I'm still, yes STILL, making over the closet. it's not like my closet was disorganized to begin with but I decided I needed a completely overhaul for some reason (smart Kim). anyhoo! I've been storing my earrings on chains that I nailed to the wall (really not as bad as it sounds), but I ran out of room completely, and thus the picture frame earring holder was born. I've seen this done a lot of different ways but I tried to keep mine cheap and chic. 

I bought a super cheap frame from Ross to start with:

some people use mesh wire for doors or windows for this next step, but I used a fabric that had large holes. I took the glass out (duh), along with the cardboard backing. I flipped the frame around and used a staple gun to secure the white fabric with holes, and then a patterned fabric behind that.

I've never used a staple gun before...but I kind of loved it!

once I finished stapling both fabrics to the back I used picture hanging wire (it came with the frame) and attached that to the back of the frame. I threw a very small nail into the wall and....

VOILA! earring holder!

I'm still working on getting all of my earrings onto this thing, but I'm loving how much space it's saving compared to the chains I used to use. total cost of this project: $11.00!

next on the agenda is a necklace holder. I have big plans for this one. we'll see if it actually works. I'm giving myself until this weekend to be done with the closet once and for all. fingers crossed!

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