so thinking of 50 goals for the first 100 days of the year has been difficult for me. that being said, I'm still not done with the list but I've decided to go ahead and share what I do have, lest you think me a liar. I've broken them up into categories (because duh, I like to be organized).
1. Total closet makeover
2. Completely clean out my car and more importantly, keep it that way (for real this time)
3. Clean out and organize bathroom cabinets and laundry room aka my catch all areas
4. Vacuum every week-I mean I have a Roomba so really this shouldn't be so hard right?!
5. Get rid of (at least) 25 items from my closet*
Health Etc
6.Whiten my teeth
7.Get haircuts every 3 months like I am supposed to
8. Take vitamins...every day
9. Get a massage
10.Get into shape (yes I know, standard resolution that no one ever follows through with)
11. Run (walk?) a 5K with my mom---preferably one that serves free donuts or Thundercloud sandwiches at the end
12. Eat less pizza, french fries, and Taco Bell burritos
13. Update my resume
14. Finally read the rest of the 7 career books my mom bought for me last year
15. Blog at least 4 times a week (this doesn't really fit into career, but I didn't really have a place for it)
Good Deeds and Such
16. Donate my time to some sort of good cause
17. Actually use my reusable shopping bags, of which I have about 12
17 down 33 to go...
I'm pleased to inform you that although I have not come up with all 50 goals, I have indeed gotten a running start on the closet reorganization. I'm really hoping to be done with this project by the end of next weekend, but we shall see. well on my way to completing # 1 AND #5. major pat on the back for Kim.
*pray for me on this one folks